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Success Cases
20T Ferro Silicon Inoculant Shipment to Japan
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1000T 10-50mm 75 Ferro Silicon to Korea
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500T Silicon Manganese Briquette Shipment to Korea.
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Elevating Aerospace Aluminum Alloys with Silicon Metal
Elevating Aerospace Aluminum Alloys with Silicon Metal
Case: Elevating Aerospace Aluminum Alloys with Silicon Metal Problem: Aerospace demands lightweight, strong, and heat-resistant aluminum alloys.
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Nitride Manganese powder
Nitride Manganese powder
In recent years, the trade relationship between India and various countries around the world has been rapidly evolving. Among the many commodities being exchanged, nitride manganese powder has emerged as a significant player in the international market.
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100mt fesiba to Turkey By containers
100mt fesiba to Turkey By containers
Ferro Silicon Barium (FeSiBa) has gained significant traction in the Turkish market due to its versatile applications and remarkable properties. FeSiBa, an alloy composed of iron, silicon, and barium, finds extensive usage across various industries in Turkey.
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Ferro Silicon
Ferro Silicon
75 Ferrosilicon is an ferro alloy whose main components are silicon and ferro. In the steelmaking industry, 75 ferrosilicon is widely used as a deoxidizer and alloying element addition agent. It has high silicon content and good deoxidation effect, which can effectively improve the strength, hardness and corrosion resistance of steel.
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